The Marine Insurer

The Marine Insurer is a quarterly journal launched in 2019. The latest June 2024 edition, Issue 18, “Dali incident:

Largest ever marine claim?”, can be found below.


The latest April 2024 edition, Issue 17, “Sustainable growth challenges facing marine sector”, can be found below.


The January 2024 edition, Issue 16, Geopolitics: The unintended consequences for shipping, can be found below.


.The October 2023 edition, Issue 15, Ukraine War : Fall out for Marine Market Continues, can be found below.


The June 2023 edition, Issue 14, In the dark: first casualty involving a dark ship fuels concerns, can be found below.


The April 2023 edition, Issue 13, Triple whammy hits marine world: Brexit; The Russian invasion of Ukraine; Coronavirus, can be found below.


The January 2023 edition, Issue 12, An increasingly uncertain (marine) world, can be found below.


The latest September 2022 edition, Issue 11, Technology transforming claims experience, can be found below.



The latest June 2022 edition, Issue 10, Decarbonisation and climate change continue to drive shipping, can be found below.



The latest March 2022 edition, Issue 9, London market set to stay on top, can be found below.


The January 2022 edition, Issue 8, Sustainability top of the agenda as we head into 2022, can be found below.



The September edition, Issue 7, Marine Claims Special: How will marine claims evolve to meet changing risk landscape, can be found below.



The June Edition, Issue 6,  Americas Special: Global marine markets innovating safe passage through turbulent times, can be found below.


The April edition, Issue 5, Asia and Nordics Special: Marine market sailing safely through pandemic, can be found below.


The October 2020 edition, Issue 4, IUMI 2020: Marine market looking resilient through turbulent times, can be found below.


The July 2020 edition, Issue 3, P&I Clubs: Rising to the challenges of a post-Covid world, can be found below.



Issue number 2 of The Marine Insurer was the March 2020 edition. Covid-19: The threat to the shipping sector, can be found below. 


Issue number 1 of The Marine Insurer, Underwriting maritime’s new future, came out in September 2019. It had a wide ranging distribution which saw it available at the IUMI conference in Canada, The Marine & Energy Houston conference, Marine Insurance Singapore and the International Marine Claims conference in Dublin. Below is the digital edition.
